Bleeder? [censored]! it's complete BS that the fish was bonked but IMHO the anger and outrage should fall squarley on wdfw for ignoring the situation on the Hoh and allowing the wild retention to continue.
THEY ARE THE moron idiot stupid retard dumbass loser asshole fool dumb jerk jackass imbecile douchebag retarded fag fucktard tool dipshit ass dickhead douche dork bitch gay tard faggot [censored] dolt dummy dick wanker twat [censored] prick bush noob ignorant [censored] douche bag asshat nerd annoying shithead dumb ass george w. bush bastard [censored] cretin clueless simpleton posers that will not grow a spine and force the Hoh tribe to face the reality of the situation.

The International Game Fish Association should be deluged with letters demanding thet they stop keeping records for wild steel. It seems that this potential world record might have been a pretty strong motivator for English Pete's descision to kill it.
The drift is always greener on the other side.