Originally Posted By: Todd
Anyone who would sell out their convictions to go fishing with someone ought to really consider what their convictions are, and why they have them.

Certainly true. But life is compromise, and if everyone turns every issue into a non-compromise issue, we end up with a lack of dialog... One reasonable perspective is that doc is asking for a $25 donation each year to his favorite charity. I may not be an outspoken advocate of that charity, but I'm happy to make the donation because it's important to Doc and I want to show my support for him--as a thank you for taking me fishing.

Not every issue needs to be a one where stark black and white lines are drawn. I support causes of friends who run marathons, sell cookies, and invite me to fund-raising dinners -- I don't always agree 100% with the causes, but I support my friends in their passions and endeavors.

(Full disclosure, I'm a CCA member for the last 2 years)
The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope. -John Buchan