Best 'good' story:

About 1991ish Myself a couple highschool friends and our girlfriends decide to head out to Grayland beach with some sleeping bags and what must've been a case of Boone's Stawberry Hill. It was our teenage girl panty remover. So we get to the beach, park our late '70's toyota schitboxes nearby set up shop in the dunes, build a beach fire and start getting cozy.
Everything's going great, playing tonsil tennis with my new GF by the fireside, when the cream of the Twin Harbors crop come tearing up the beach in their life-size Hot Wheels truck. KC lights, 12" lift, glasspacks, and a bed full of toothless morons hoopin' & hollering and spraying everything in sight with .22 fire. All 6 of us bailed over the dune as the bullets kicked up sandaround our fire, and the Hillbillies did a few doughnuts on the beach in front of our spot and then took off.
So after awhile we saw the coast was clear, shook the sand off our blankets and went back to drinking around the fire.
Everything's quiet for the next hour or so and the adrenaline's wearing off, when--

"Good Evening!"

Up behind us out of the dunes steps an older looking cop. We all stuff our Boones bottles under our blankets.

"You kids been shooting guns out here?"

"No Officer!"

We relay him the story of the Night of the Living Rednecks

"Yeah, that sounds about like what I was told. Where you kid's from?"

He then proceeded to come sit down by our fire and talk with us for a good hour.

Turns out he was THE Pacific County Sheriff. Stars on the collar & everything.

He told us about a vacant beach house the renters had abandoned a puppy in. Told us Pacific County had no Animal Services and that he had to go out in the morning and shoot the poor thing. Asked us all repeatedly to adopt the thing, but all of our dads would've hided us for bring home another pet. Told us how Pacific County's so broke they only had him & two other full time deputies and one reservist for emergencies or something like that. Had a good long talk with the guy and it was a stark contrast from the Police we were used to. It was like growing up used to the LAPD and then meeting Andy Griffiths.
After he finally left no one said a word for a long time. Then I pulled my Boones bottle out from under my blanket and and drew a deep breath. All my friends did the same. We stayed up to watch the sun rise then we headed home. I never made it past 2nd base with that girl. I heard she married some abusive jerk, got slapped around, then turned Lezbo.

I always wondered what happened to that Sheriff. I hope he's enjoying a long retirement and hasn't had to put any more strays down.