Originally Posted By: wntrrn
It has to start BEFORE the relationship evolves into being serious. Either you'll understand that or you won't.

Yeah that, gave my gf of 12 years a pair of waders the first Christmas together. Told her that fishing is what I do and she can either come with or see ya when I get home. Never in 12 years had any problems fishing as much as I want, and sometimes it's a lot.

Originally Posted By: The Closer
when they want to spend every second of your free time with you, then it gets tough! Start having to plan fishing weeks in advance. Maybe I should take the ring back wink

She wants to spend every second of free time with you but not go fishing? Ring?? thinking with the wrong head if you want to go fishing. 13 years ago I left my ex who threw a fit if I wanted to fish, "this is what I get after five years?" Sayonara!
Propping up an obsolete fishing industry at the expense of sound fisheries management is irresponsible. -Sg