Didn't read all the responses, so sorry if this is a repeat of others' experiences, but here's mine...

I don't take my g/f fishing.

I don't ask for permission, I give notice.

I don't have to explain myself, because I explained it all at the beginning, and showed exactly what I explained by demonstration soon afterwards, and often since.

I make plans to do stuff with her on some weekends, and when I make plans, I keep them...I do not blow her off, or go fishing instead of doing what I said I'd do, which is hang out with her.

I told her right from the get go how important it is, and she's got no excuse to question me about it now.

She's also smart and wonderful and knows that a happy Todd is better to be with half the time than an unhappy Todd would be all of the time.

It helps that she loves eating fish, and loves that I love to cook it for her wink

The fact of the matter is, there is no "begging" or "reasoning" that can get you out of this mess once you are in it...you either go fishing, or you don't...and it's not up to her, it's up to you.

I've gotten in and out of relationships for a wide variety of reasons...but my fishing time has NEVER been one of them.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle