Okay so answer me this......

1. You have a barrel with 1000 kings in it. You could probably grab one with your hands......

2. Now you add 100 fishermen standing around it with floats on their lines.....

It is still going to be a snag fest because of point 1.

Hooking these fish in the mouth is only possible if you don't set the hook. You will snag one on the very first cast if you even pull your line back after it hits the water. I am not saying that some of my fish aren't flossed. I am just fishing for fish in the mouth so I can keep them and have no idea what is going on in that barrel full of kings. But I am saying this area is jacked up with hatchery kings and that is what makes it what it is.

These fish are raised for meat, the hatchery meets its goals, why not simply let this fishery be what it is, a grocery store. I simply do not get all the people who are "concerned" for it. What the hell are you concerned for?

Edited by Jason B (04/26/12 11:58 AM)
Maybe he's born with it.

Maybe it's amphetamines.