Public invited to propose
changes to recreational fisheries

OLYMPIA - People with ideas about how to improve state sportfishing rules can submit their proposals to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) through June 15.

Only those proposals that are necessary for resource conservation or provide a significant recreational benefit should be submitted to WDFW, due to a moratorium issued by the Governor’s office on non-critical rule making.

Craig Burley, fish program manager for WDFW, said people who would like to submit a proposal can use a new online form available on the department’s website.

"We are looking to improve the rule proposal process and make it more user-friendly with this online form," Burley said.

The form, as well as information about the sportfishing rule change process, can be found at . A printed copy of the rule change process and proposal form may be obtained by calling (360) 902-2700.

Sportfishing rule changes developed through this process will be available for public review and comment in early September. The final opportunity to submit written comments to WDFW on those proposals will be Dec. 15.

The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission, a nine-member citizen panel appointed by the governor to set policy for WDFW, is scheduled to receive a briefing on the rule proposals during its December public meeting in Olympia.

The public also will have an opportunity to provide comment on the proposed rule changes during the commission's January 2013 meeting. The commission will take final action on the 2013-14 sportfishing rule changes during a public meeting in February 2013.