Originally Posted By: Jason B
Originally Posted By: Abu-Loomis
[quote=Jason B]

What an elitest comment, you think you're Mother Teresa or what?

How close minded of you though, Jason B. You go to that shi.t hole to floss (SNAG) your fish, but now that you can't do it the way you want....you stop going and like Dan said, snivel for days. Apparently your not bright enough to think outside of your little box and figure out that using a float shouldn't keep you from flossin up your limit of bathwater kings. If you use your brain power, you can probably figure out a way. If your as retarded as the average snagger, you can just snag em in the [Bleeeeep!], since it's no different that snagging them in the side of the head. This whole thread is a fuckin joke and should be deleted, a snagger bitching about rules changing belongs on gaymfishin.

You sound like a dick.

If I could fish like a bear and grab these fish in my hands I would but that is illegal so I can't. This fishery is not a sport fishery.

Maybe you have no idea what you are talking about or you are just. bored dick.

If the fishery is not a sport fishery you should be happy to get your fish from the hatchery.

would the boy you were be proud of the man you are

Growing old ain't for wimps
Lonnie Gane