Originally Posted By: Slab Happy
I get the argument against guns, though.
While there are as many ways to kill people as one's imagination can dream up......home made bombs could do a lot a damage quickly, for instance. The issue is how "quickly" the death/injury total can mount with semi-autos with large magazines.

As a side note, I noticed in one article (maybe more) that the teachers had their students huddle in a corner........

Sounds like some proper training on how to minimize damage is necessary......gathering in tight groups is NOT how to keep kids safe.

As I understand it, they huddled in a corner of a locked room. We have training on "Rogue Shooter" annually. We are trained to remove our staff/patients from the facility if possible, if not move them to a room (with no windows if possible) and lock the door.
What did you expect the teachers to do when they were already in their class rooms? Maybe you would have them just open the door and tell the kids to run like crazy?
"A bad day fishing, is always better than a good day of yard work"