I believe this is a turning point, but how far will the turn go? Will it stop at legislation that is sure to be introduced banning assault weapons and end there or will there be more? I don't have the answers, but I do know that the problem has many facets to it and stricter control on assault type weapons is one component that I believe needs to be done; but by itself, not enough.

I do know that over a billion dollars has been cut from mental health programs over the years and is likely not ever to be restored. Arming teachers is not going to happen nor is it practical. Teachers are not police officers and I suspect most would be unwilling to carry and train regularly with firearms.

Then there is the delicate balance of hardening schools as a target. Airport type security is too much, but maybe more can be done. Security officers that are not armed and in uniform as well as properly trained are worthless. So, a lot more money would have to be spent on what truly is a very unlikely unvent. School shootings are low frequency and high risk.

I suspect this shooter was after high shock value and the overwhelming media response only helps that. Every news show I see has this guy's picture up on the screen. Got to wonder how many other whacko's are thinking of ways to out do him.

The discussion needs to move from the usual arguements of gun control Vs locking people up. We can only hope that we as a nation move this discussion to a higher level by bringing everything to the table and recognize that this problem will require a multi faceted approach.
"90% of Life is just showing up and doing the work". Tred Barta Sr.