We are a nation that attempts to remedy the symptom and ignore the problem. Most people all emotional about this don't even know that an equal number of people die every week in DUI wrecks. 68% of our population admits to driving after too many drinks when surveyed. They happen in smaller numbers so we seemed resigned to accept it.

We have the best health care system in the world . We also have a constitution that conflicts with our desire to some how use that system to stop the crazies. If you want that be prepared to cede x amount of your individual liberty to the govt.
involuntary commitment laws give the crazies the same rights as the sane.

Are social outcasts made or are they born, if made what is your role in that process?

This will pass people will forget and then it will happen again nothing will change because at the end of the day it is a price we pay when the pendulum of freedom swings the other way.
Once you go black you never go back