Bushmaster is being sold...


not everyone agrees with me, but thats the great thing about America, i can have different views of yours and still be entitled to that...

it has nothing to do with the type of guns in this situation, nothing at all, all of them would have been killed regardless of what weapon was used, think about the scenario, yes, its brutal, but its what my logic is telling me what happened, and the Police will NEVER tell you or i if this is actually the case...

the adults in the office, i dont know what i think, other than they were shot, the kids on the other hand, its clear as day...

the medical examiner said that they had "multiple gunshot wounds, to an extent of damage he had never seen before", well, what are the odds that this kid walked into the class room, and stratigically picked off each student and the 1 teacher in the room with multiple shots as they sat at thier desk and noone moved or interupted him while that process to place? there isnt, it would be nearly impossible... what i think happened (just my thoughts), is that the kids were huddled in a corner or something and he entered and started firing into the pile of people in the corner.. that would explain the multiple wounds, and the kids behind the first kids would sustain more damage than normal, as the bullets would have been expanded after passing through the first victims...

my point with that is, it has nothing to do with it being an AR, the same if not more damage could have been inflicted with an 8 shot 12 guage with 00 buck or even slugs, a Marlin tube magazine .22 rifle could have done the same, albeit with much less damage, but still deaths occuring.., or a lever action rifle such as a 1894 Winchester, or, the Henry repeater they found in the trunk of his moms car that he drove.. yes, there would be reload time possibly, but it doesnt take that long to load a shotgun if you know how to handle your weapon... he obviously knew how to handle the weapons he had...

you could walk into a school, store, ect with 2 Colt 1851 Navy pistols, and kill 12 people with them without reloading...

its not the guns, its the person behind the guns, clip/mag size is redunant as well, when people do these things, they are not gearing up for full on warfare (although it seems as so), so it wouldnt make much difference if they walked in with 3 30 round clips, or 9 10 round clips except weight, which really isnt all that much...

a person that is going to so something as horrific as this, will do it with whatever they can get thier hands on, and its not always guns that people use, Ted Bundy never used a gun, sometimes he would use Lamps, Logs, and other crap around the area of which he was comitting his crimes, including his bare hands...

people with mental illnesses should get FREE healthcare for that, not free healthcare in general, but free for their diseases of mental illness.. but the US is too busy sending billions in aid to Pakistan each year than to take care of its own people, crazy or not...
