Originally Posted By: Tillanook

One thousand one, one thousand two....you must be real quick. Where were you pulling your extra mags from during your controlled environment training exercise? I doubt your average physco walking through a public place is going to be able to duplicate what a trained professional is able to do in a training exercise. Besides I would take the 1-2 seconds it took physco to reload over the time it would take to pull the trigger one more time.

Your guys arguments that high capacity mags don't matter hold about as much water as bucket blasted to sh!t with a weapon loaded with one.

Have you ever done a quick mag change? I can do one in less than 5 seconds an about any weapon that has a magazine.

Judging by your comments, you have no or little experience dealing with guns with clips.

BTW, most of these nut jobs practiced before there sprees, except the Clackamas mall idiot who had no idea what his weapon was capable of.

Sorry, the problem is not guns or magazines, its dumbfuks.
Facts don't care about your feelings..