Those executive orders strike me as pretty harmless to the cause of gun rights. They also strike me as being generally meaningless and "touchy-feely." I share SkyGuy's assessment that this all amounts to an enormous mis-allocation of precious funds. Like most legislation (and executive orders, for that matter), I suspect the real reason these orders are being implemented is to provide an opportunity for politicians to earmark funds for the special interests that got them elected. In my opinion, while they may appeal to the emotional side of the People that makes us hell-bent on finding solutions to problems that can't be solved, these measures will do very little to prevent future shootings. They will, on the other hand, invest money we don't have in areas that won't solve real problems.

Meanwhile, conveniently, the gun control issue has provided our elected officials yet another excuse to avoid the work most of would agree they should be doing; that of fixing the economy.