Originally Posted By: Dogfish
Originally Posted By: Tillanook

I think that keeping a close eye on the df's out there that have access to weapons would be a much more affective approach than trying to gather up peoples assault weapons. But I don 't think thats going to happen.

Really? Keeping an eye on me? Whatever for? I'm a banker, live fairly clean, been president of my school board, ran a bond levy for my kids school, hobby farmer, good father and husband, I have proposed legislation and saw it passed, even shook the governor's hand after she signed it. Pillar of the community, I am. No really, I am. How often, either openly or behind the scenes have I helped folks here and asked for nothing in return? More than probably 99% of the folks here. Don't mean to brag. It is just the facts.

When you need help protecting your rights, let me know. Oh wait, keeping you apprised of the situation at hand, and letting you know that you may wish to stock up on your 16rd mags before they are legislated out of reach might be considered being helpful. Also, as a bit of safety advice, bedside table or a quick safe would be a better option than under your pillow. Would hate to see a ND take out a fellow fisherman..

Take care, I wish you well.

I have never met you personally, but if you ever want to fish the columbia or willamette, PM me and the seat is yours. It'd be an honor to have you in my boat.
Facts don't care about your feelings..