Since absolutely non of you seemingly have ever been in a union with great benefits I don't expect you to fully understand why 67% of us made the decision to vote no. I'm not going to beat a dead horse on our case as I can tell your minds are made up. The media has done a wonderful job of painting the IAM as militant union members. Honestly I think this was all part of Boeing's plan. It was win, win for Boeing. They want to leave so why not propose a slap in the face contract that they know we would turn down. Then they can leave without the state of Washington being mad at them since they are mad at us.

Personally, I'm a homeowner, in the middle of a $20,000 kitchen remodel, with a son on the way, and bills, bills, bills. You bet your a$$ I could have used $10k however, I did what I personally felt was right. And no, I'm not looking for any Pitty. I'm not interested in what anyone thinks right now other than Boeing and the union.

Senator Baumgartner is pushing Governor Inslee to try and make WA a right to work state. not sure how feasible that is because wa has been pro union for a very long time.

We are truly the only work force who can build the 777x on time, every time, and without defects, right now. Sure, maybe SC will one day be able to build the capacity that we do but it will not happen overnight. big customers like Emirates who are looking to order 150 777x planes will want us to build them.

Could this be the end of an era? maybe...
No head like STLHD!

"Dude...where's your boat!?" Team runaway drift boat prostaff.

Big Stick 2012: "EVERY thought of my being, is in regards to being a Hi-Tech Predator and I relish the role."