Originally Posted By: Steelspanker
It would be interesting to know if the members would now vote for the original offer. Maybe they realize they overplayed their hand.

As a long retired member of Sr. Management (not here) I've been following this thread with 'interest.' The strong 'pro-union' people have long lost sight of a single fact of life. The 'value of your work input has to exceed what you're being paid.' That difference is called 'gross profit' and that's what pays ALL the bills. Net profit is why/how you stay in business; otherwise ... what's the point?

Is a CEO worth the money? In some cases I'd strongly suggest not. But what is the end cost if he/she makes a really bad choice? What is the cost if you make a blunder on the job? In the first case , potentially millions, in your case 'just go get another part' from supplies?

Folks, you do not 'own a job' unless you're self employed, which also means every day you wake up you're unemployed. Don't believe me? Ask a commissioned sales person .......

Just for Jollies, how many Union Contracts (and at what cost) does Boeing have to contend with? This one says this, that one says that, this guy/gal can't fill in at a different position when needed, etc.

To make a point: 'How many 'white collar' jobs are unionized? And why not?