
Of course profitability isn't guaranteed, but Boeing always has the upper hand. When business slows down, Boeing lays off thousands of workers. When business is good, Boeing makes a good profit, and it does so with the combination of capital and labor. I'm all for profit-sharing, so labor should be well compensated when the company is doing well. It isn't just the capitalist investors that deserve compensation proportional to company income.

The fact that many Boeing workers don't work hard does two things: supports Boeing's reputation as the Rocking B, which is not really relevant to the discussion, and a testament to the overall efficiency of the company if it can produce airplanes at a good profit with its employees not working overly hard.


I agree, Boeing doesn't need or deserve tax subsidies. No business should receive tax subsidies IMO. Every state should hold the line and stop enticing businesses to locate based on subsidies. Because they don't, states lose and corporations win. Stupid policy.
