Do I remember? And how. A used Remington model 78 Sportsman in .30-06 was my payment for a summer spent making hay and milking cows as a young man in the mid-west.

I saved a few bones and put a crappy Simmons scope on it and kilt me quite a few whitetails with it before I moved west and got lost in a big city for a while.

After more than just a few years in the closet I pulled it out to see if it still shot straight. It did.

Turns out it's not only a deer rifle but a moose rifle and a sheep rifle as well.

If it ain't broke...
I am still not a cop.

EZ Thread Yarn Balls

"I don't care how you catch them, as long as you treat them well and with respect." Lani Waller in "A Steelheader's Way."