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Olympic Peninsula, Washington Steelhead & Salmon Fishing
October 1 through May 15
Our Olympic Peninsula, Washington
fall salmon,
winter steelhead, and spring chinook
fishing is based out of the town of Forks, a small community located in the very
Northwest corner of Washington State on the edge of spectacular Olympic
National Park.
Located roughly three hours
west of Seattle, the rivers that surround the Forks, Washington region are
home to some of the world's finest salmon and steelhead fishing.

Richard Parrick with an Olympic
Peninsula King Salmon. |
Crashing down from the west slopes of the
mountains of Olympic National Park through the valleys of the rainforest
below, these unspoiled rivers are known by such fabled names as Hoh,
Bogachiel, Sol Duc, Quillayute, and Calawah ... and are noted as some of
America's most beautiful and productive salmon and steelhead fishing
watersheds. Offering over 20 years of guiding experience on these
streams, fish with Bob via heated driftboat or custom rafts. |
Quick Links to our Olympic Peninsula
Fishing Trips

Andy Orel with a monster Olympic
Peninsula Silver Salmon. |
Olympic Peninsula Fall salmon fishing
begins with the onset of Washington's fall rains, usually
sometime in early to mid-October and runs through the end of
You can fish for acrobatic
silver silver salmon that average around 10-14 pounds with fish
exceeding the trophy 20 pound barrier a very real possibility.
If it is the powerful king
salmon that you wish to pursue, this is also the time to try
your luck for king salmon that average about 25-30 pounds and
occasionally exceed 60 pounds!
Although excellent salmon streams, our
rivers are perhaps best known for the large runs of steelhead trout that
return to the Olympic Peninsula Rivers through the winter and spring.
Olympic Peninsula Winter steelhead
fishing begins a week or two before
Thanksgiving with hatchery origin steelhead returning in large numbers
to most of our rivers. We offer both fly and
conventional tackle trips for winter steelhead. |
Hatchery steelhead generally provide guests with good fishing through early
January and then give way to the larger wild steelhead that first nose
into the rivers around the first of the year and continue to provide
good fishing all the way through the end of April.
The rivers of the Olympic Peninsula are home to some of
the largest wild winter-run steelhead
in the world.

Owner / head guide, Bob and Grover Akre with a 43" x 23" (29.5 pound) Olympic
Peninsula Steelhead |
Perhaps no other region gives anglers a
better chance at 20 plus pound winter steelhead (a few over 30 pounds
landed every year on the area's rivers) than the Olympic Peninsula.
April and early May typically means a slowing of our steelhead action.
However, as the leaves begin to appear on the trees, so do the early
spring chinook in the rivers. We'll target these early "springers" in
late April and early May.
Arguably the finest eating salmon that
swims, they're highly cherished not only for their table qualities,
but for their powerful resistance on the end of a rod. Typically, a
number of steelhead are caught by springer fisherman as well. As with all of our
charters / trips,
all necessary equipment is provided free of charge. Please follow the
links on the page for more information about each fishery!

Early May Sol Duc spring Chinook |
This site, pages, and images
designed by and copyright material of Bob Ball, Bob's Piscatorial Pursuits
- Alaska and Washington Steelhead, Salmon, and Halibut Fishing Guides / Charters
- Forks, Washington and Soldotna, Alaska, USA. Encounter any problems?? If
so, please
Email us.