Second entry.

One after trolling on Green Lake in Seattle, I pulled up to the dock by the amphitheatre. I had just the tiniest piece of worm left on my wedding ring spinner. I was just about to clean it off when I notice this pig of a fish cruising right at the dock. I put the little piece of worm about 1 foot in front of the fish, and to my astonishment, it bit. Five minutes later I had a 6 lb 8 oz Atlantic Salmon on the dock, complete with spaghetti tag from the UW fisheries, 2 oz shy of the state record. I got more than a few stares on my walk up to the truck. Earlier that day I had caught a yellow bullhead catfish with the same setup. Got to love those wedding rings.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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