Last year my brother visited from out of state and wanted to go fishing with my boys. We went plunking down on the Green and were there for about 2 hours. No bites. Pretty soon my brother started gently kicking my 9 year old sons' rod so it would wiggle like he was getting a nibble. Every time he did this my son would get excited and get in position to set the hook, but of course the fish never came back. My brother did this about 10 times. Finally we dicided it was time to go and enough was enough. My brother was going to keep at it til my son set the hook. My brother started tapping the pole and my son got ready. This time, the "bite" kept going and my son set the hook.... The pole ripped back down and the fight was on. My boy landed a 15 lb. Chinook buck.

Yep, it was snagged right in the side so we let him swim. But we got a heck of a laugh.
