1. wile fishing from edmonds peir in 98 for salmon with my friends i hooked into somethin BIG with my buzzbomb. i was using a med light trout rod with 8lb line. What was i thinking confused . anyway it turned out to be a 30 lb king snagged in the tail. it took 45mins to get it in. it was relased.
2.my friend tom and i were fishing off a charter in the coronado island this last summer a 10lb yellow tail took both of our baits at the same time.
3. this wasn't my fish frown but this last september while fishing for humpies a guy caught and relased a 50+lb king in the snohimish and relased it.
All Americans believe that they are born Fishermen. For a man to admit a distaste for fishing would be like denouncing mother-love and hating moonlight. -John Steinbeck