I don't know what you think you read, but nothing in my post could have possibly drew a reply like that !

I don't have any concern for anyone's skin color nor heritage, I think everyone has the equal opportunity to succede or fail based mostly on ambition, and to a lesser degree intelligence....

I have lived and worked with Natives in S.E. Alaska, and I have seen their (so called)stewardship of their lands with my own eyes. I can not think of any worse way to manage resorces that what I have seen them do, they clear-cut every inch of their land, to the last tree, then plead with the Feds to trade them some other land for their unplanted clear-cuts !

Why should one group of people be selected out of the U.S. population for special benefits ?

Everybody here has decended from people who did the best they could with what they had, and none of us deserves the "right" to rape and plunder natural resorces based on whomever their ancestors were, where they lived, nor what color their skin was.