OK, now I get it, Natives clear cutting is bad, Oregonians clearcutting is GOOD!!

Christ, my dog learns faster than you do.

I have seen the logging industry and commercial fishing industry first hand. After NAFTA, my best choice as a young man without an education and no family trust fund to draw from was to go North. In hindsight, i now recognize that both of these industries need serious reform in order for the resources to continue for future generations. your argument is simply, don't let the natives do it, because the white man deserves it more. That's why your argument is ridiculous.

Since you can't answer my question about Alaskan land allocation, I'll help you out a little. Tongass is 16-17 million acres. SE Alaska is 97% federally owned. 80% of SE AK is in the Tongass and is managed by the US Forest service. One third of the Tongass is considered harvestable commercial timber lands. 16% of the Tongass (1/2 of the 1/3) is low volume timber lands (due somewhat to clearcutting). 4% of the Tongass is left of the original Old growth forests, and you want to cut that down too. How much of that, say roughly 5 million acres did the Natives get??
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"
President Merkin Muffley