Org boy, do you have a bi-polar thing going on, maybe a little short term memory problem? In case you missed your previous post I'll paste it here again for your review...

"I think the "Tribes" need to sit down and shut up, and their "Tribal Rights" crap needs to be flushed at 9:00AM tomorrow........if being a regular American citizen isn't good enough for them, then it's back to cowboys and indians"

Did you comment earlier on another thread that you were a logger?? Have you never worked in a clear cut?? Did you post on another thread that you have seen the Tongass and it should opened up for oil exploration, because the Natives aren't going to do anything but plunder it anyway?? Isn't it hard to talk out of both sides of your mouth at the same time?? Do the natives in SE AK have more land than the state/federal private industry folks? Tell me, since you so informed about how the Natives are screwing everything up in AK, how much land, percentage wise, do the Natives clearcut, versus State/Federal or Private Industry??

I'll have to thank you though, I'm laughing to myself inside at how ridiculous your arguments are. At home, I'm giving you my own personal "New TK of the PP Board" award. Thanks for the entertainment.

I grew up in the Northwest. I started logging when I was 15 in Ukiah. It was public land that had to be removed because of gypsy moth infestation (silly me, how could I forget that the Natives must have brought the moths over on the Bering Land Bridge?). I've worked in clear cuts for the DNR and many private companies, but the Native trust lands are so rare that I have actually never worked on one. Oh yeah, they clear cut "everything" so they have nothing left. Tell that to the tribes in Grand Ronde that rely on yearly income from forrestry that helps in everything from education to elder care.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"
President Merkin Muffley