You are so internally conflicted I'm surprised you make it out of bed in the morning. Let me just recap here,

People without a contract that ensures work for the rest of their life should not have children.

People that are not able to take care of themselves like the ritiress, the infirm, handicapped or otherwise can only blame themselves and any "free rides" are not allowed.

Women stay at home with children and daycare should be banned, it is worthless if you live by the proper rules set forth by Org.

Wasting money on a bureaucracy is better than actually letting that money go to help someone.

There is always sufficient work for everyone, no matter what, and if you can't find, you haven't looked hard enough.

Any other bits of wisdom, you know, so I can straighten out my own life and live by your model??
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"
President Merkin Muffley