Close as I've come in a long while was shortly after Tuf-line came out. I was bank fishing with my brother in tidewater on a small river for fall chinook, just downstream from a bridge. This is a popular spot so there were guys lining the bank about every 5-10' all the way through the hole.

Just about the time that the tide is about to go slack, this Yahoo decides the best spot to fish is from the bridge! Of course, he messes up everybody's drift for 20 yds downstream and, in a few casts, hooks a fish.

From our vantage point about 50 yds from the bridge, we can see that this guy is using a fairly light spinning rod and is in no way controlling the fish. He is yelling obscenities at everybody to pull in, he's got a #%$&$ FISH ON!! After about 10 minutes, his GF comes down under the bridge and nets the fish, about 15 -20lb.

I could not believe that the rest of the bankies let this lout get away with this. To top it off, not five minutes later he does it again only with a much bigger fish (the bridge really is the best spot to fish from, you can control a bobber right through the best water, it's just that nobody else can fish).

Again, the fish is running wildly downstream and butthead is yelling FISH ON %^$#@#$!! and ordering everybody to pull in. We let this go on for a few minutes but everybody is getting impatient knowing that the bite will only last through the slack and gills-for-brains is taking up the whole river. About this time the fish came rushing past us with herring-breath's line about 15' in the air. I couldn't help myself......I pulled back with my bobber stick and flung my rig high and handsome across the river. Just as my bobber flew past his line I stuck my thumb in the reel and watched that 50lb Tuf-line wrap around his line. One good pull and FISH OFF!!!

Smelt-dick throws his spinning rod down and comes charging off the bridge determined to kick some butt. His mind changed when he broke through the brush to find my short but broad self taking my jacket off in preparation for his arrival. He realized that I had about 15 years and 50lbs on him and decided, without further words, to take his fish and GF and depart.

About thirty guys laughing their a$$s off at him did not help his demeanor.