Fishing at Reiter back in '91. I like to fish with my dog, and he's generally very well behaved.

Some other folks' dogs, unfortunately, aren't.

So this yahoo's german shepard is not only running up and down the river barking at everyone, but he's really getting ornery with my dog, who happens to be a 100 lb. black lab. Goes by the name of Guinness.

I ask the guy to control his mutt because he's starting to ruin a few peoples' days, and his response is to tell me to leave and take my dog with me if I don't like it. Then smart guy tries to take a kick at Guinness, but totally misses.

I calmly inform him that if he tries that again I'll toss him in the river.

He lines up attempt two, which Guinness sidesteps.

Before the guy even has his balance back I've got ahold of his wading belt from behind and his ass off the ground.

In he goes.

He comes out sputtering, takes one step towards me and stops. I'd like to think he stopped because he realized he was an ass, or because I'm 6'3" and weigh about 190# and just picked him up and tossed him, but I think he probably stopped because of all the folks clapping and laughing their asses off after watching the entire episode.

Dumbass and Rover hit the road after that.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle