Odviously I was not there.And it appears that it didn't happen on A river. But it Is A prime example of how incredibly stupid people can be even after how many thousands of years? Perhaps A hatchery Homo. slipped into our native gene pool.

Florida Fisherman stabbed by Swordfish
News item; Seems a couple of Floridian fellows were having a heated disscusion and a having consumed too much hooch it turned ugly! One of them went home and grabbed his stuffed swordfish off the wall and returned to the scene of the disscussion and proceded to stab his drinking companion with the fish! It wwas reported that the impalee was recovering from the wound . No mention of the hangovers.
I'll bet they were disscussing the merits of "Indicator Fly Fishing" as we all can attest thats the easiest way to start a fight known to man.