The closest Ii've ever come to a fiight was aabouut 6 years ago on the Nooch. Was fishing my favorite salmon slot. My Dad and I were on our yearly fishing trip aand will normaly come straight out of the cabin and right out onto the bar. . Alot of times we'll head out before daylight and wait for the sun to come up. Standing in the water with our coffee cups. Iit's notorious for guides and other DB's to try and aanchor in tha spot at first light, so we wait. We had been slaying fiish that week, and sure enough people who had noticed were waiting to get into our slot. But to their dismay, we were already there. As he came into the area I was fishing he dropped his anchor and long lind his rope abouut 25 feet below me. He had completely iped ouut my drift where he haad anchored. Iit was a year that Kings were allowed aand no chums. Ii ask thiis guy to please move since I was fishing there. Hhe looked up and went back to setting up who I think was his clients. I asked one more time and he says "I ain't gonnaa move, I saw you guys keeping chums, so I an'tleaving". I proceeded to tell him "Why would I keep chum when I'm nailing Kings? My fish are in my fishbox, you show me any chumss.". He said he was gonna stay there and there was nothing I could do about it. So I let him know that I was going to low hole him then. SInce ther was a big root wad blocking the rest of the slot for bankies, he thought he was safe. That's until I walked back to camp, and grabbed my cataraft. ou should've seen the look in this guys face when I proceeded to drag my boat down to the shore. I told him "Ok MF, I'm gonna low hole youu all the way to Black Creek. Unless you want to settle this on shore. Ii hope you can get your gear out of anchor line, cause thtas where you'll be fishing through until you get off thisriver". Hhe pulled anchor and lleft witout saying another word. In fact, never saw the guy on the Nooch again.
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