The South Santiam has a lot of self proclaimed steelhead experts. You know the type, They fish one hole on one river and they call themselves experts. This one "expert" who we all call sea lion because he is kinda fat and is aways wading/ swimming after fish that he snags.

A good friend of mine just had tota knee replacement surgery and was pretty much house bound for about 4 weeks. Anther friend and decided to lift his spirits by taking him down the river in his own boat. Since the guylives less than a block from the put in we used an engine hoist and a safety harness to laod him in the boat at his shop. Then we drove him to the river and launched him and the boat. We would worry about getting him out later. The guy wieghed about 250.

We get on the water and Im rowing the boat. We pass up the first hole because it is full of bankies. at the top end of the next hole we anchor up and start fishing. Down the river about 40 yards is sea lion and his buddy. Well sea lion hooks up, the fish makes a long run straight up river. Sea lion doesnt know what a drag is and lets every fish he puts a hook in almost spool him. The fish runs clear up by us and as it goes by we all see that it is a dark springer that is hooked n the dorsal fin. We tell sea lion to break it off, its just a nasty nook thats snagged. Sea lion tells us to mind our own buisness. At about that time the fish hangs him up on something directly across from the boat in the spot we are fishing. Sea lion decides he is going to swim out and free his line. I tell him he is not going swimming in our spot. He tells me to F%&@ OFF! He strips off his vest and hangs it on the front of the boat and starts to wade up stream and out so he can free his line. The guy who owns the boat pushes the vest off into the river when sea lion wanst looking. I tell see lion if he doesnt stop Im going to stop him. He calls me some nasty names and continues. By this point I had enough. I told him to leave or I was going to hit him with an oar. Hi goes off again with cussing and name calling. He shut up fast when I tried to rip the oar out of the oar lock. Catarct oars fit tight in Willie Hell for Stout aor locks. The oar didnt come out the first try by the second try sea lion was out of range. He runs off screaming and yelling. I put the oar back in and pull anchor and start heading for the bank. I guess the sight of 3 seriously pissed off guys in a boat made sea lion chnge his mind about fish that hole for the day. By the time we got to shore the little weasel was running to the trail leads back to the parking area.

I dont think he ever his vest, it sank like a rock when it got "accidently" pushed off the boat.

2 days later I saw him again. I was launching my boat and he was n the other side of the river at the top of a steep rocky trail arguing with someone. Iguess the guy e was arguing with had enough because next thing I know the guy tackeld Sea lion do the steep trail. I didnt stick around to see how bad he got hurt. Im pretty sure he was in some pain becaue he was still laying down 5 minutes later when I drifted ou of sight.

The guy got his ass whooped 3 more times that summer and he is still a mouthy punk. Maybe someone will kill him this year...........