Originally posted by Todd:
I would love for one of you anti's to actually back up your assertions with a little fact, at least now and again.
i think its a fact that you pretty much disagree with how the state manages wild stellhead until it comes to having a targeted cnr season, why is that ? why is it not ok to bonk a fish from a river that the state says is healthy enough to handle it but at the same time when the state says a river like the skagit is 164 fish over escapment you have no problem fishing it, why is that ? how bout this, if i was at a takeout on the skagit and you floated in and i asked you how come your fishing in the cnr season killing fish (5 to 7 percent mortality according to the state), what method would you tell me that the state uses to predict the fish run size on that river that convince`s you that they know what they are doing and your not worried about it ?