Bob, thanks for the reply.

I guess I just have a problem with the idea of using WSR to be the end all to protect fish when in reality that type of fishing amounts to harrasment and mortality also. (PETA will most definetly use this in the future) I don't think that it is wrong (WSR) and I won't pass judgement I just do not think it is the correct or fair way to manage this fishery. It may be the best for a certain group(and that is great), but it is not best for the resource or for all anglers across the state. I commend WSC for working towards saving this resource. I only wish they were saving it to ensure everyone would be able to enjoy the resource how they wish. I believe it (WSC) would be much more succesful if it approached this issue as a united group of all anglers and all users to save this great fish. By alienating anglers it is is worse for the cause. Anglers being(natives, commercials, bonkers, CNR's, guides etc.) I know, your thinking I am naive, fine think away, however we owe it to "our" kids (all anglers kids) to start looking to work together. To do anything less would be and is a great diservice to the fish. If we give up the harvest it will only be a matter of time before another much more united and powerful special interest group figures it out and works towards getting us off the river for good. They will do this in the name of harrasment. It is a grave mistake to give up the harvest and concede that WSR is the answer. A great tool yes, the answer.....probably not.

Again, my comments are not focused at any one person. It is focused on the subject and how we might come together to help these fish.

Any thoughts?