Elkrun ... Not trying to start something here, BUT coho fishing in the salt? perhaps one of the highest mortality fisheries there are for released fish. I imgaine you're fishing mixed stocks out there ...

If you fish for anything, there is an impact. In every fishery there will be something someone can point out that isn't the best for fishing.

Along the same lines, if you're fishing for hatchery fish and accidently kill an early nate that swam along ... you've made an impact on the early portion of the run which is in far worse shape than late component.

This no fishing when wild fish are around mentality is simply a cop-out and nothing more in my book.

Bruce ... Yes, wild steelhead spawn in the upper Hoh. Many fish also spawn in the lower river, it depends on the time of year.

The upper Hoh is fewer river miles upstream than any of Calawah, or a good percentage of the non CnR water on the Sol Duc.

Your inference that because someone fishes a piece of water they're trying to target spawning fish is way off base.

Fish spawn all up and down the rivers!

It's up to the angler to know where they tend to spawn in each section of river and do your best to lay off.

If you want to close all spawning grounds, then I'd suggest we all get saltwater boats because that's the only place they don't spawn. Even the Quillayute itself gets a number of spawning fish.

As for the escpaement issue on the Hoh and my fishing there ... closer to escapement means that there's usually less fish around, so I've been fishing more and more elsewhere myself.

As for CFM ... GD is right on with his comments. I PM'd CFM and told him the dissenting opinion was fine yet it needed to be more respectful of other posters.

No change, so see ya.

I've had a number of emails from people that no longer post here because of his attitude ... I've given lots of leeway as I usually don't like to become too involved.

People can read whatever they want into my decision. I'm sick and tired of the crap posts and now the nasty email from him, so I have even less inclination to reinstate the registration.
Seen ... on a drive to Stam's house:

"You CANNOT fix stupid!"