I am going to keep this simple With respect to both bob, cfm and everyone else.
I think we all agree on one thing If and when there ever comes a time there is enough wild steelhead to sustain a population in any river than a keep season should be established with bias. maybe a lottery so many tags such as doe tags in a lottery to be drawn or whatever.
Until then CNR of all nates should be the rule.
No B.S. No arguments we have to remember at all times what we are really fighting for!
I want my children and grandchildren to know whats its like to catch a fish! not some clone out of some disease ridden hatchery but a real fish!
Untill then I beieve that the power companys who built the dams should be responsible for the devastation of our fish runs and compensate fish for fish for the damage they have done by reducing the thousands of miles of spawning grounds for these fish.
Just a couple of other things!!! BAN ALL NETS and To **** with boldt!!! I am a native american too(I was born here) I am tired of seeing nets, in the rivers, Stripped out carcasses of hen salmon and little kids snagging salmon with trebles!!
Just my 02
Proud Life time N.R.A. member For over 25 years.