
I'm still voting for Ron Paul, just in case you thought I'd jumped ship.

I'd have to agree with you on the fundementalist BS that the right wing spews, the homophobes (hypocritical homophobes at that) that want to limit people's rights to love who they want to, and the whole abortion issue in trying to tell a woman what she can do with her body, etc. That really turns me off of the ultra right wingers. The one thing you usually can depend upon a GOP'er to do is to unleash the full might and fury of our armed forces if we perceive a threat, sometimes correct (Grenada, Panama, Iraq #1) and other times not (Iraq #2).

On the flip side the turn that the democratic party has taken over the years really worries me as well. While I do like the general commitment to the environment, I think that there are many who have taken it a bit too far. 20 months to get a building permit is ridiculous, but getting set up for public is a breeze? Why on earth is is so hard to build something and contribute to society, yet so easy top suck off of the public teet? (My personal experience with this state.) They also pick and choose which rights they like to defend, kind of like the cafeteria right wing christians who don't buy into the whole "sodomy is sin" deal. Dems also have a general consensus towards big government, just look at our state.

Mr. Manbearpig himself is an absolute joke, super cereal, and those who follow with him are the same. The whole political correctness movement, in my opinion, comes from the left, and it is so bad that if you disagree with Obama you run the risk of being called a racist. There are examples of that here.

I am also concerned on their weak stance on using the military might of the US, like when Wild Bill sent some cruise missiles to some godforsaken territory instead of getting some troops on the grounds to kill Osama Bin Laden. He really could have saved us a lot of trouble, and headed off Iraq #2 had he done that.

For me no single party is 100% correct on all of the issues, so I guess it comes down to a choice between which rights are most important to me, as both sides are likely to trample on something near and dear to me.

We also do agree on the fact that GW is the true life version of Howdy Doody, and the puppet masters are his buddies in big industry.

Have a great weekend!
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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