Originally Posted By: goharley
Seems that Palin was a member of the Alaskan Independence Party before being govenor.

Nice bunch of folks. Here's what their founder, John Vogler, has to say:
I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions.

I'm not so sure that's the kind of reform we were looking for. wink

I wonder how old and how idealistic she was at the time and why she changed affiliation. If she signed up with Ron Paul, whos supporters were attacking police and destroying property today, while wearing masks, I would agree with you.

Harley, have you called William Ayers to see what kind of reforms that he wants Obama to make?
Check out his quotes on terrorism. Obama announced in Ayers home. They have also worked together.

Have you called to find out, what kind of reforms Jeremiah Wright wants Obama to make?

How much money would you like to spend on gasoline for the next four years?