Originally Posted By: Todd
I bet we'll see "Sportsmen for Palin!" bumper stickers...even though she's [censored] deep in Big Oil and comes from a commercial fishing background...why people continually vote against their own interests, even when it's clear that's what they're doing, is beyond me...must be the knee-jerk reaction:

See an "R", pull the lever.

Fundamentalist anti-choice Big OIl mining commercial fishing friend.

Wow...right up my alley.

Fish on...


Are you on drugs? So what youre saying is NO Governor from Alaska is qualified for this office. Lets look at Delaware that is home to many large INSURANCE companies. Some of the highest paid CEO's work in the insurance industry. Hell, Buffett OWNS GEICO. Progressive Insurance is owned by a big lib. I guess I would have to look and see if any big business are surviing in Illinois. Ya, like we need more lawyers in DC. Were you concerned that Walmart and Tyson chicken would take over the world? Hopefully they own a lot of homes and generate a large carbon footprint.

You arent going to stop commercial fishing and you arent going to stop drilling for oil or gas. Im not going to switch to an electric vehicle that wont pull the boat. The country can work towards energy independence and cleaner energy, but its not going to happen in a gasoline or diesel free world. You cant make enough biodiesel to fill all the trucks and construction equipment. Shall we talk about plastic and other products made from petroleum?
My own best interest is diesel at a dollar a gallon and gasoline. 700 billion dollars going to Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and other countries is going to put a lot more people to work in the US and less money in the hands of communists in Venezuela, and terrorists overseas.

There is hope, she may find another republican to put in jail. Democrats beware.