Do your own Google search...there was already a whole thread about it a few weeks ago...I didn't feel the need to re-write it.

I know what you were talking about...I was agreeing with you, and pointing out that there's no need to make up stories about his mean and angry character...there are enough true ones to accomplish it.

Yeah, his cheating on his wife and dumping her for the younger and richer (and less defective) wife #2 was indeed 30 years long ago did it need to be to no longer be a total lack of integrity and family values?

If he did it again tomorrow, would it be OK? If he did it again tomorrow, would it not be OK, but would magically be OK again in ten years? Fifteen years?

There must be an amount of years where it magically becomes OK, since it's clearly not OK on the day he does it, but apparently you think it's OK now since it was 30 years ago.

At what point did it no longer point to a serious flaw in his "family values" character?

This is the kind of "my moral compass is black and white" when talking about the behaviors of others, but it's "completely relative" when talking about his own hypocrisy that is rampant among the fundamentalists.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle