I still get that stirrin feelin about a good lookin woman in her office that just happens to have a grizzly bear rug slung over the couch...

HaHa Ha,
I actually found this one on some Peta members post!
Crying her eyes out about the bear...HaHaHa cry me a river beatch...

I have absolutley no doubt that some treesitting stinking hippie from Berkley will post some youtube shiat about her regarding wolf hunting and her bear rug.
Those unshaven stinking pigs just cannot understand why Palin ain't wearing pichouli oil and braiding her armpit hair....... tree
Jesus H Christ I hate hippies.

On a different note.
Sorry I get my panties a little twisted Todd.
You are a smart guy and I have the capability to see that.
I get sooooo sick & tired of locksteppers.
Neither party is 100% right 100% of the time.
I do have issues with the republican party.
We are just going to have to disagree on some social issues. meanwhile I look forward to seeing you getting those pink worms gobbled up this winter.
Fish On......