Originally Posted By: Irie
Originally Posted By: Hankster
Irie, I read the fishing side of PP on a daily basis and I have never seen a post by you or any mention that you have been fishing. In contrast, One Way posted a pic of a salmon I caught shortly after I signed on here.

If you want to see pics of fish I catch, PM your email address and I'll send them. I don't think other people here are interested in seeing surf perch, trout, or any of the other small fish I catch. When I get one that's memorable, I'll post it.

You and I have fundamentally opposite views on a multitude of topics. As such I would speculate that if I were to tell you the weather will be warm and sunny, you'll have a 10 fish day on your favorite river, and to top things off,you'll find a hundred dollar bill at the take out, you'd still have something to piss and moan about the way I said it.

That being said, STFU.

No Hankster, you can't possibly fish. You spend all day every day posting here on this BBS between sun up and sun down. So maybe you should STFU and go fish for once.

Furthermore: You've been the one pissing ad moaning ever since that guy who's picture you jack off to every night lost the election last November. Not Me.

PS I'm still waiting for that Sharia Law you promised us.

bitter libs are funny....you crack me up

Edited by dewbie (04/30/09 03:13 PM)