Originally Posted By: Todd
Anyone complaining about our country getting screwed up right now who sat on the sidelines, or even worse, voted for and defended BushCorp, has no credibility in any conversation about it.
Fish on...Todd

That's a hellofa way to try and attenuate the current discussion Todd. Bush was a bonehead, no doubt, and many of us would have to say we were wrong.

An honest man admits where he screwed up, but that doesn't mean once he discovers his mistake and fesses up to it that he is going to sit around and continue to take it in the shorts.

Is that how you handle your mistakes Todd? "Oops, I screwed up...so I'll just let them continue to hose me because I deserve it?"

I seriously doubt it.


No sir, you recognize where it all went wrong and then try and FIX it! (and you can't fix it by doing more of the same crap that got you into trouble in the first place).