Originally Posted By: Mikespike
Originally Posted By: Salmonella

Just one more hurdle that Todd & Mikespike's beloved lefty politicians have thrown at gun owners in this state.

I've never been what you call a "gun nut" but Todd's sarcasm is ridiculous to say the least.


I am a registered Republican. I have no love for "lefty pliticians" or the GOP. I voted for Ron Paul.

I enjoy Todd's sarcasm because it is on the mark - the government is not coming to take our guns. If the government wants to, it will take us out from the air or with armor or with artillery. Our guns will not protect us from the military, nor will our guns protect us from legislation. That last one is the real killer. smile

Todd's remarks are NOT on the mark.

What I'm saying is that his remarks about someone banging on the door and demanding our guns is not the way it is going down.

It is the ever increasing regulations that seem so acceptable to many (especially liberal democrats) that will legislate them away.

Banning guns that look scary...."Cop Killer " (LOL) bullets...."Sniper Rifles"....the number of guns or ammunition you can buy in a certain time frame...the number of firearms that constitute an "Arsenal" yadda yadda yadda.
More and more and more each year.

You should know Mike, coming from California that the freedom of firearm ownership is becoming more and more difficult.

Don't get me wrong, I talked a young father out of buying a gun just last week.
He was considering a handgun for self protection and has three young kids....bad move IMO.
You can only keep a gun safely in the house with kids if it is securely locked in a gun safe rendering it useless against an intruder.
I don't buy everything the NRA pushes, but have seen the ever tightening gun laws since I was a kid myself.

And I'm sorry Todd, you cannot look me in the eye and truly believe that the democrats are the party of choice regarding gun rights & gun ownership even if you have several dust collectors in your closet.
Todd rightfully jumps at the chance to defend salmon & steelhead habitat and is always leading the charge in backing protective measures for salmonids & I applaud him for that.
The avid hunters and shooters of this country are every bit as protective about issues relating to guns, hunting & shooting, but he takes pride in ridiculing their concerns calling it "paranoia".

I'm not a gun nut and do believe that some people should not have guns for their own safety and the safety of others.
The rub comes when we decide who makes this decision and on what grounds.
