Originally Posted By: Salmonella
Originally Posted By: Mikespike

I enjoy Todd's sarcasm because it is on the mark - the government is not coming to take our guns. If the government wants to, it will take us out from the air or with armor or with artillery. Our guns will not protect us from the military, nor will our guns protect us from legislation. That last one is the real killer. smile

Todd's remarks are NOT on the mark.

What I'm saying is that his remarks about someone banging on the door and demanding our guns is not the way it is going down.

It is the ever increasing regulations that seem so acceptable to many (especially liberal democrats) that will legislate them away.

The rub comes when we decide who makes this decision and on what grounds.


Basically, we agree. I mentioned that legislation is the real killer and we might be the most legislated state in the union - we seem to get the most press for it anyway.

Todd is on the mark about making fun of "Obama is going to take your guns." It won't happen that way and anyone that promotes that has an ulterior motive or chooses to not deal with the reality of the situation.

Ultimately, your last comment is the key - I voted for Ron Paul becasue I could not in good conscience vote for the shinolas offered by our plutocratic GOP & Democratic parties. When the people of the USA realize that we don't have to put up with having only two choices (really just one choice as it is all rhetoric and posturing), things will change for the better.

People constantly make fun of "socialist countries" on this board, and I am not going to support socialism in this diatribe, but I would point out that VOTING makes a big difference in those countries and the people are more realistically represented by their legislators. We don't have to change our system of government, but we do need to introduce a non-satus quo party or parties to get effective change.
Don't believe everything that you think.

"Holy hell son, you're about as useful as a cock flavored lollipop."