"Ain't it amazin' how the left leaners want guv. in all our lives? The fact is, no one gets turned away for medical care. It's available and free or damn cheap. Oregon has their own medical plan for those less fortunate. A lot of them refuse to pay the $10 bucks a month to get it and would rather go the emergency room route. "

And who ends up paying? You the government. Or is Oregon printing money these days? If so then it's the rest of us who are supplying your state welfare.

"We have insurance that we pay for out of our retirement. "

Alot of people lose their insurance when they retire because most corps would rather you go on the govt teet, or nothing....they don't care.
Also, alot of people who thought they had corp healthcare through retirement have had the rug yanked out from under them? You better hope that doesn't happen to you because, like most people, I bet you don't have it gauranteed for life in writing.

It's like an AA program for some. The first step is admitting there's a problem.
"You learn more from losing than you do from winning." Lou Pinella