For the claims that public health care for those who need it already exists, it does... have you ever tried it? Maybe its great in OR, it isnt most places and it is not only limited but it is also reliant on availability... I know, no sympathy right? Well as long as it isn't my kids or grand kids...

Is giving money to claim denying / policy dropping insurance companies really better? If so, are you a CEO of an insurance company? If not are you beer bonging GOP Kool Aide?

To champion the system that has been raping Americans for years on one hand and say that the liberals wanting a baseline government health care system (that actually works and allows you to still throw as much premium money toward any CEO's salary you wish) just want to spend "MY HARD EARNED TAX DOLLARS" and implement more government is pretty limp if you ask me. BTW, they are my tax dollars too...

I don't want more government, I don't want more taxes, but just like I want good schools I want good health care if for nothing more than some sars ridden slacker that has no insurance and cant take the day off to go to county not hacking all over my Big Mac.

Edited by Marz (08/06/09 09:46 PM)