Originally Posted By: Todd
Originally Posted By: Lead Bouncer
Try comparing the post office to UPS or Fed Ex. Who is losing money?

I think some former Clinton appointees from Fannie and Freddie are looking for work. Theyre already rich. Im sure they will work for free.

Libs will love socialize medicine, until someone like Mr. Brown? Who ran the dept in charge of Katrina. Or will democrats use health care to beat the public over the head every election. Does anyone in government make less than 20 dollars and hour?

That's a fantastically irrelevant post...not that it's out of character by any means, in fact, it's fantastically in character...

Fish on...


Do you have anything to add or rebutt that doesn't require or start off with a personal insult? I could go there too, but your life before tackle isnt part of the debate.