Funny times, funny times.
I always think of that "H" word when I hear this crap. People complaining about tactics they invented being used against them. Even worse is the fact that each and every one of the left would scream like little school girls if the right had proposed collecting decenting veiws. I could only imagine what would be said yet we get silence. There is no defense for doing this but at least some(not all) on the right would have had the balls to say so. None on the left appear to.
You do have to give it to BO though. I do love and admire how good at politics he is. Everyone who does not follow the white house is now an "operative". What a word. Like some russian operative or spy. Reminds me of the old Hoover days when the decenters were "communists". Everything is a conspiracy and anyone who does not think like me is a communist......I mean operative. Crap I mix those up sometimes.
They are masterful at this though. Better than anyone in recent memory. The way he avoids the true issues and makes everything an us against them type of arguement. You have to admire the guy. Politics 101.....that might even be 201.
I just wonder who the next boogyman will be when they put forth the tax hike to pay for this plan. Rush, Hannity, foxnews, insur comp, the last admin, the list is endless. And better yet, how many will fall in line with it. The masses I am sure. We will have the usuals here defending it no matter how bad it is and preaching the white house talking points. Preaching about the boogyman to avoid the true issue.
Never leave a few fish for a lot of fish just might not find a lot of fish-----Theo