Good question. Watching this horror flick unfold as BO is labeled the true antichrist, not a citizen ect.......but then anyone that objects to the a thoughtless mass lemming health care stampede toward the cliff is a Rush twin driven by greed and hatred makes one wonder. Just so heartburn doesn't flare. Rush is a entertainer and judging by ratings rather good. Want the Lib counter? Try the ED man! Rush doesn't have a stranglehold on obnoxious talk!

Back to the subject. It is about money! Not profits that are obscene ( DV I give this one with applause ) such as the drug companies but campaign contributions. Both parties have fundamental views that are really reasonable but different and this is good. Throw in the money it takes to get elected and both parties are bought and sold to interest that are highly involved for philosophical and economic reasons and that are not necessarily the best for our population as a whole. Read this thread from this perspective. If you had been in a coma for 50 years and the first thing you read was this thread, would you think the world was nuts? No doubt what so ever me thinks!

It is what it is ............... and we as a people will survive it despite our government not because of our government. Our kids will pay one hell of a price down the road for our foolish behavior though.

Edited by Rivrguy (08/10/09 09:38 PM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in